How can I make my website better today i

How can I make my website better today?

This is an easy one.

We all can bring life to website by just acquiring one best practice that takes less than 20 minutes out of your week.

Website meets a lot of your customers day in and day out. We all stress on not having that perfect website.

I am sorry if I disappoint you here but there never will be a perfect website.

Some will beat one on graphics the other maybe on some cool navigation and some maybe for  highly technical feature.

But one thing common they all provide is information.

And this is what we need to look for every week in our website review. Let’s find a time in the week where you sit down and visit your business website, page by page.

During website review look for any obsolete information. Read text and check images.

Once you have three items on the list, stop.

You now have enough on the plate to send to your website department. If you don’t have one, call us.

Make sure you follow up next week with your website department or company or guy on items you submitted.

Why should retail business websites apply this best practice? 

One last tip, if you are in retail business and syndicate your content to anywhere else on the web, add a practice to your weekly work routine to visit websites you send content too and check for errors.

Trust me keeps you away from price beat deals. Horror stories like customer saw a different price on some website, which is not the same price that is listed on your website.

Some-days you will be surprised what you find & thankful to yourself for having done this simple website best practice.



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